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Bazzite Rollback Helper Command|636x500

Note: Read the rollback and rebasing guides to understand the terms and what they do.

A command-line utility that assists with rollbacks, rebasing, and outputs information on your current Bazzite image.

Using bazzite-rollback-helperΒΆ

Open a host terminal and enter:


Options Available:ΒΆ

  • list = List images from the last 90 days that can rebased to.
  • rollback = Rollback to the previous deployment on the next reboot.
  • current = Show information about your current deployment and image.
  • rebase = Switch to another build, update branch, or a different Fedora image at your own risk.

Example UsageΒΆ

bazzite-rollback-helper list will list available bazzite images.

bazzite-rollback-helper rebase image_goes_name_here for to rollback, you can use a version from the list command.

e.g. bazzite-rollback-helper rebase stable-40.20240930.0

Note that rebasing to an image will lock you to that OS image, you will no longer get regular OS updates.

To get back to regular OS updates later after there's bugfixes, run:
bazzite-rollback-helper rebase stable

Video GuideΒΆ

Key Takeaways:ΒΆ

Updates: Upgrades both system and installed software.
Rollbacks: Return to a previous deployment after a bad system upgrade.
Rebasing: Use the bazzite-rollback-helper command in the terminal.

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